
Preform take-out conveyors and soft-drop systems for conveying preforms from machine to gaylord without scratches or marking.
- Preform take-out system with horizontal and inclined conveyors and soft-drop. The parts are dropped into the inlet hopper of the inclined conveyor which feeds a reversing conveyor at the discharge. The parts are then transferred into soft-drop buckets, for individual gaylord filling.
- Standard 2-Gaylord Preform Soft-Drop System:

A pneumatically actuated bucket receives preforms from the reversing belt and when full descends into the gaylord. Sensors stop the bucket at the correct height and the bucket opens to gently release the preforms. Complete with surrounding safety cage. Vibration pads are available as an option to insure maximum use of gaylord capacity.
- Extruded aluminum structure
- PLC screen and stop button - Dry contact to machine for cycle count - Pneumatic up and down buckets - Proximity sensors installed in soft-drop - buckets ensure preforms are released at a - controlled and adjustable height to - prevent damage. |
(Configuration with four gaylord positions.) |